LiveVox Review: Pricing, Features & More

LiveVox is an advanced platform for call centers that is part of the future generation. They create outstanding experiences for agents and customers by integrating omnichannel communications, CRM, AI, and WFO seamlessly, drawing on their 20 years of cloud experience and knowledge.
LiveVox Review: Pricing, Features & More

LiveVox overview

The cloud contact center technology provided by LiveVox enables you to rethink your approach to client interaction. Cloud solutions that are intuitive to use and specifically designed for your company are just one of the ways that this company's experts can assist you in navigating change. Discover how LiveVox can help you revolutionize the effectiveness of your company's contact center and become a game-changer for your organization.

In order to meet consumers on the channels of their choosing, including Voice, Chat, SMS, and Email, provide AI-powered self-service solutions that go above and beyond their requirements. Keeping up with the rapid speed of change in terms of how to communicate with customers is an ongoing problem. Redefining client interaction and delivering game-changing performance is possible with the cloud contact center platform provided by LiveVox.

Utilizing a tried and tested cloud platform that is not only simple to use but also straightforward to fine-tune might completely revolutionize the effectiveness of your contact center. LiveVox is pleased to announce that not only is it PCI compliant, but also SOC 2 compliant. With cloud contact center software that is smooth and integrated into a single pane of glass, you can redefine customer interaction and generate outcomes that will change the game.

What LiveVox has to say about itself

LiveVox is a contact center platform that merges omnichannel communications, CRM, and WFO capabilities to give excellent agent and customer experience while lowering compliance risk. LiveVox says that it supports more than 14 billion contacts annually. The technology allows engagement tactics to be implemented on various communication channels to drive success in contact centers. Customers can make the most of their potential in an ever-evolving business environment with the assistance of its risk management and security products.

LiveVox is at the forefront of cloud contact center innovation because of the company's 20 years of experience in the cloud. The CCaaS package offered by LiveVox is purpose-built exclusively for contact centers. It merges Omnichannel, WFO, Analytics, and AI into a command center that gives users total control over contact center operations.

LiveVox is a pioneering force in artificial intelligence-driven customer service software. The company provides organizations with an impressive assortment of solutions destined to transform the customer care landscape. One of the most remarkable aspects of LiveVox is its intelligent bot portfolio, which includes a versatile virtual assistant capable of deployment and automation across various communication channels, including speech and digital platforms.

The set of AI-driven features offered by LiveVox, which includes call routing, conversation analytics, customer surveying, and fraud detection, contributes significantly to the company's standing in the market. These cutting-edge components assist in greatly easing the manual effort that has traditionally plagued customer service operations. As a result, companies can provide support to their consumers in a way that is both accurate and very efficient.

By adopting the cutting-edge technology provided by LiveVox, businesses can successfully traverse the always-shifting terrain of customer service, therefore giving unmatched levels of service quality and establishing enduring relationships of trust with their clientele.

LiveVox Review

Year Started2000
Service AreasUSA, India, Colombia
Service TypesLiveVox provides various cloud-based contact center solutions and services to enhance customer engagement, improve operational efficiency, and optimize communication strategies.
FeaturesPlatform Overview, Omnichannel Engagement, Outbound and Inbound Voice, Contact Center CRM, Self-Service and Automation, Business Phone System, Workforce Engagement, Unified Analytics
CertificationsPCI, SOC 2

LiveVox price policy

The prices depend on various criteria like the needed functionality, the required number of agents, and the amount of client contacts. LiveVox provides companies with personalized quotations upon request, guaranteeing that the services they pay for are appropriate for their particular needs and the limitations of their financial resources. The membership prices cover the main services. However, additional fees for additional features or for exceeding certain use limits may exist. Because of this flexibility, organizations can use the sophisticated contact center solutions that LiveVox provides while also fitting the constraints of their budgets. You are advised to contact LiveVox's sales staff directly if you want specific and extensive information on pricing.
PackagesEssential - $65/per User per Month; Professional - $120/per User per Month; Enterprise - $150/per User per Month
Payment optionsCredit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, Electronic fund transfers, Automated Clearing House, Pay Pall.
Payment discountsSeveral variables might affect the discount amount, like the deployment size, the contract length, or special promotions that are only available at certain times of the year. Companies interested in LiveVox's offerings are strongly urged to contact the company's sales or customer support teams directly. Customers may enquire about continuing discounts, special offers, or customized price plans adapted to their needs by outlining their particular requirements and the extent of their engagement. This will ensure the client receives the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.

LiveVox online reputation

The powerful contact center solutions and multi-channel communication capabilities that LiveVox provides have earned it many accolades. Users like how easy it is to use, and they enjoy how helpful the customer service is. On the other hand, some people notice a steep learning curve for more complicated features. LiveVox has generally been praised for its ability to improve client interaction and operational efficiency across various communication channels.
Have you ever used a piece of software for which you had very little experience and which required you to pay for both support and the services of a professional in order to make any modifications or updates? LiveVox is what you have there. Because of the intuitive user interface and the accessibility of practically all of the system's functions to the individual user, you will feel as if you are in complete command of your very own contact center. We were successful in merging all of our offshore teams into a single, larger blended workforce. This has resulted in a significant increase in both the efficiency and visibility of the Call Center's overall operations, both of which have proven to be quite beneficial. LiveVox is a terrific company to work with since they provide amazing help and comments on how to get the most out of their product. The program is regularly updated, and brand new features are being added to make it the solution of choice for industry leaders. LiveVox has been a wonderful business partner, helping us to expand our operations and achieve new heights in terms of income. Maintaining compliance in a more litigious environment has allowed us to breathe a sigh of relief and significantly cut down on tension for every member of my workforce. They have the potential to become the most widely used dialing solution in the collecting sector, in my opinion. - Jeff G.
Because LiveVox is committed to innovation, some of the company's new products launch with a somewhat "bare bones" functionality; nevertheless, following a few short iterations and the incorporation of input from consumers, these new products rapidly develop and become part of the company's current portfolio of products. Changes to call selection criteria should be able to be made more ad hoc and dynamically via the program. In addition, providing customers with more access and control over the modifications made to the system. The procedure for the Customer Support Team is somewhat complicated. We have a difficult time keeping up with the many emails and the sluggish procedure to having our questions addressed. They put a lot of emphasis on customers providing their own services and the vast majority of the time do not even provide a response to the topic that is being asked. I do not believe that we would have remained with Livevox for the amount of time that we have if it were not for our Mid-level Market manager. It would seem that there are not a great number of subject matter experts who are prepared to devote some of their time to assisting. - Stephanie S.
Outbound dialing was the sole method we used while we were using PBX technology. We are using inbound as well as outbound calling at this time. We utilize secure payment capture and screen capture (new), but we wish that feature was live (it would be helpful for training to be able to see what our representatives are doing while they are on the phone), we are building out IVR, and we are exploring your text solution and surveys, as well. The HCI cloud solution provided by LiveVox is an absolute need for businesses who are concerned with TCPA compliance. The software is incredibly easy to scale up as our company expands, and the company was very proactive in assisting customers in finding work-from-home options when the Covidien outbreak occurred. LiveVox is always striving to add capabilities to their software based on the suggestions made by their customers, and they are also looking to generate value with their product. We have worked together with LiveVox as a partner for a number of years at this point. Even if problems are to be anticipated from time to time with any solution, LiveVox is sensitive to our concerns and makes sure that they are handled. They pay attention to our recommendations for ways to enhance their product and include those recommendations into their product roadmap whenever it makes sense to do so.
The versatility of LiveVox's call flow design tools will be especially appealing to businesses that employ more experienced users. However, some companies will find that the "plug and play" functionality offered by some of their rivals' goods is more convenient. The customer support department is located overseas and is notoriously difficult to communicate with. LiveVox also offers a feature called Leg minutes, which, logically speaking, ought to be included into the minimum requirement of minutes but, for some reason, the two are kept separate. There is extra capability available in addition to the standard package, but it calls for an updated platform, which results in higher expenses. A number of programs that aren't part of the main platform sometimes cause us problems. I have faith that we will be able to overcome issues, and that bringing everything onto the platform will put us in a stronger position. While we do provide all of the essentials, one of our concerns is whether or not we are "best in class" rather than "barely servicable." - Kevin L.
This function of Clicker Agent helps us stay compliant and avoid legal trouble. There is a group of people at LV who are forward thinkers and who seem to come up with solutions that are fast and simple for texting and emailing. They are quite reliable and do not have the same issues with downtime as earlier dialing options did. They have the financial resources necessary to improve their existing goods and develop new ones, and they already have a product that is robust and trustworthy. Because the bulk of the setup was done inside the platform, we were able to finish our most recent project ahead of time and meet all of its objectives. I did not have to rely on any of the company's internal resources since I was readily able to set up the import procedure and prepare the lead files. One platform allowed for the uploading of tertiary data files, and the platform made the segmentation of phone numbers quite smooth. Strong reporting capabilities out of the box, with very minimal need to develop extra reports. Our interactions with LiveVox have been nothing but excellent on the whole during our time with the service. Their support and customer service employees are among the best in the business. Because of the nature of the work that we do, it is essential that we have the agility to quickly take on new customers and complete their projects. LiveVox has supplied us with all of the tools that we need to be successful in our endeavor. - Delicia B.
When it comes to monitoring particular groups of agents and/or certain times in statuses like Ready or On Call, several of the Admin and Manager monitoring tools lack the flexibility necessary to do so effectively. The capability to make changes to several campaigns all at once is a function that I believe should be included in the program. The level of customer service that has been provided to us is easily among the lowest that I've encountered in my line of work at any point in time. The genuine support desk is a nightmare to deal with. I really wish I had the ability to add administrators myself. Even though LiveVox adds them virtually immediately after a request is made, I would still prefer to add them manually. Reports need to be improved so that they are more compatible with the BPO business, and they might be improved in RTR. Now that India is an outsourcing behemoth and the leader in the globe, it is necessary to have additional marketing strategies and a Sales staff in the area of Asia and India in order to distribute the LiveVox goods. - Brenda C.
I feel that the HQM module that was designed is something that has been able to boost utilization and promote productivity in an Outbound environment via an efficiency improvement strategy. Screen capture, also known as UCRM, is an additional function that offers more value, however Speech IQ demo is not one of them. The program has enabled us to work more efficiently and has enlightened us on the activities that our collectors are engaged in throughout each minute of the day, both in real time and during post-production. In general, I am satisfied with LiveVox, both the site and the administration of the company. When it comes to learning our system and portal before troubleshooting, support is perhaps less than ideal. When cases are opened, it would be helpful to have prior knowledge of the client or a small team of LiveVox FNBO support specialists who might assist speed up the resolution of problems. This program has resulted in a significant increase in both our overall productivity and our level of efficiency. Exceptionally helpful to new users; I have no reservations recommending it to anybody. Overall, it was a really positive experience. This solution has not only left us quite satisfied, but it has also led to a discernible rise in both our efficiency and our production. - Anthony G.
LiveVox is quite good at classifying calls, which is one reason why I believe its search engine is effective; but, it does not have any extra tools that may help with quality assurance. The call transcription, dashboards, and report production capabilities of other products are also available. LiveVox is working hard to close the product gaps that exist between itself and other telephony solutions on the market that focus on incoming calls. LiveVox has a long way to go before it can meaningfully compete with other solutions that offer more robust out-of-the-box inbound capabilities. The way skill-based routing is managed leaves a lot to be desired, and a few other more convoluted situations leave a likely fair impression. LiveVox needs to make a lot of progress before they can meaningfully compete with other solutions. There isn't a whole lot to complain about here. In the last four years, I can only recall of two occasions when there was more than ten to fifteen minutes of down time at any one moment. Help is always available at the click of an email button. - Britni H.
The LiveVox CRM solution is incredibly simple to use, and it can be customized in a variety of ways. It allows for extremely easy putting together of metrics and reports, as well as having an all-in-one system with simple reporting capabilities. A difficult path in general, improved communication and concentration when they went public, and strong contacts with customers; nonetheless, there is not a big help desk, so you should be prepared for difficulties. The technological component that not only makes TCPA compliance possible, but also makes it possible to do so quickly. The capability of several channels, which permits queue and proficiency routing as well, is the second most important element. The majority of our interactions with LiveVox have been quite positive. At the moment, we make use of their Dialer, HCI, and Email technologies; in the near future, we will also employ their Text and Chat. It is simple to get started with and straightforward to grasp for someone who is somewhat inexperienced in the administrative side of contact centers. There is no doubt that the templates and the automated requeues assist to simplify the process. - Sarah B.
Better documentation is needed for some of the reports and activities that need to take place behind the scenes. This includes the rules that need to be followed between PDAS and Contact Manager. Another area of worry is the repeated generation of individualized reports. Another issue that we are concerned about is the number of scheduled campaign jobs; at the moment, we have more than 5 different segmentations that we would want to run. There are not a lot of filtering and analytical tools available, and the ones that we do have, such as the call drivers chart, are not usually particularly enlightening. There is a high incidence of the error code 504 occurring when the data is being processed. The absence of proximity operators to execute keyword searches is a significant barrier and lowers the degree to which the outcomes may be trusted. When it comes to searching inside the system, there is a learning curve involved. It is not simple for the end-user to generate logs on their own, and doing so demands that they adhere to highly specific and technical instructions. - Maria T.

LiveVox Social media Subscribers
LiveVox's extensive contact center features, especially its multi-channel communication capabilities and effective customer assistance, have garnered praise from Reddit users. Easy to use and seamless integration are among the positive experiences. There is a tiny learning curve, however, as some users note when they struggle to grasp the more complex functions. All things considered, LiveVox is a great alternative for companies looking for all-inclusive contact center solutions because of its significant contribution to improving customer engagement, availability of flexible communication choices, and dependable support.

LiveVox average reviews

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trustpilot.comNo reviewsNo reviews


LiveVox Pros&Cons


  • Multi-Channel Communication
  • Robust Contact Center Features
  • Efficient Customer Support


  • Learning Curve
  • Pricing Complexity
  • Feature Overload

LiveVox Final Conclusions

LiveVox has received a lot of appreciation for the powerful contact center capabilities it offers and its excellent customer service. The many compliments received highlight its adaptability in multi-channel communication and its smooth connections. Users have noted that there is a learning curve for more complicated features and have expressed a wish for more thorough reporting choices.

LiveVox stands out as a solid alternative for organizations, delivering effective customer interaction solutions and scalable services; as a result, it is a platform that is preferred by consumers despite the fact that it faces certain small issues.

Mattew Hughes

Mattew Hughes

My ability for writing and keen analytical skills make me an invaluable asset to our team. As a business analyst, I delve deep into market trends and data, providing readers with detailed reviews that help them understand the nuances of lead generating solutions.

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