Chili Piper Review: Pricing, Features & More

Chili Piper is the leading Meeting Lifecycle Automation software, assisting sales teams in connecting with buyers in a more timely manner and generating more income as a result. Utilizing Concierge, you can instantly qualify, route, and schedule incoming leads. Instant Booker allows you to schedule appointments with only one click, regardless of where you are. Sync everything with your customer relationship management system and automatically allocate leads and meetings.
Chili Piper Review: Pricing, Features & More

Chili Piper overview

Chili Piper is the industry's most innovative inbound conversion platform, powering today's high-growth B2B sales teams. Leads may come from any source, including your web form, cold calls, campaigns, G2 pages, and more. You can then qualify, route, and schedule these leads. This results in more meetings being scheduled and more opportunities being generated.

Your sales and marketing pipeline has been updated. Your customers do not depend on you to sell them to you anymore. They are aware of the advantages you provide. They have looked at your ratings and comments. They will arrive at your location well-prepared. Chili Piper can help you fix your leaking funnel if you only attend meetings immediately away.

Chili Piper offers the appropriate solution to rapidly qualify leads and transform them into meetings, regardless of the channel that your potential customers choose to use. Allow Form Concierge to handle the laborious tasks for you by immediately qualifying, routing, and booking users based on their current form.

It offers a quick and effective handoff from Marketing to Sales by providing features such as rapid speed-to-lead, routing, booking, and handoff. Chili Piper allows teams to increase their conversion rate on incoming leads while also reducing their cost of marketing.

What Chili Piper has to say about itself

Chili Piper is a forward-thinking and cutting-edge firm that is redefining the manner in which organizations arrange and manage their meetings. It was established in 2016 by two friends who met while attending college, and it has rapidly developed into a prominent platform for appointment scheduling and meeting automation.

The founders of the firm saw the difficulty and inefficiencies involved in organizing meetings through back-and-forth emails, phone conversations, and disputes caused by double-booking appointments. They set out to devise a system that would streamline and simplify the process for both the companies and the customers of those firms. This led to the development of Chili Piper.

The cutting-edge technology used by Chili Piper enables real-time scheduling, which does away with the necessity for never-ending email chains and phone tags. This not only helps companies save critical time, but also makes the whole process more streamlined and simple for the clients of those firms.

In addition to its skills in the realm of scheduling, Chili Piper provides intelligent routing, automatic follow-ups, and connectors with widely used systems such as Salesforce and Zoom. Because of these qualities, it has become a solution of choice for sales and customer success teams, enabling those teams to put more of their attention into cultivating relationships and concluding business rather than organizing logistical details.

Chili Piper has been creating waves in the market and earning exposure from prominent publications such as Forbes and TechCrunch in order to fulfill its aim of assisting companies to be more productive and profitable. In the field of automating scheduling and meetings, this business is one to keep an eye on due to its commitment to innovation as well as its persistent development.

Chili Piper Review

Year Started2016
Service Areasmore than 30 countries
Service TypesChili Piper provides a range of services to help businesses optimize their sales process and improve customer engagement.
FeaturesMeeting scheduling, Sales acceleration, Outbound sales optimization, Customer engagement, Analytics and reporting, Integration and customization
CertificationsSOC 2 Type II, GDPR, ISO 27001, HIPAA, TRUSTe, Veracode

Chili Piper price policy

Chili Piper's services are priced based on the unique requirements and tastes of each client. They provide a free trial along with a variety of plans and price alternatives to accommodate various company needs and sizes. While their sales staff may modify the corporate plan with a quotation, the basic plan begins at $15 per month per user. Fees may apply for additional services like call routing and integrations. For their creative and effective sales automation and scheduling solutions, Chili Piper generally aims to provide fair and open pricing. In addition, they provide unhappy clients with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
PackagesInstant Booker - $15 user/month; Handoff - $25 user/month; Form Concierge - $30 user/month; Distro - $30 user/month
Payment optionsCredit or Debit Card, PayPal, ACH Transfer, Wire Transfer
Payment discountsPlease check with Chili Piper's official website for the latest and most accurate information on their discounts and promotions.

Chili Piper online reputation

It is evident, after doing research into a variety of online consumer comments regarding Chili Piper, that the firm has both favorable and bad evaluations on the internet. However, when taken as a whole, the vast majority of comments seem to be good and emphasize the effective and user-friendly scheduling software that the organization provides.
When it comes to organizing sales meetings and passing out customer information to other departments, Chilipiper is an extremely helpful tool. Their Chrome addon is incredibly useful for sending out a prompt invitation to a consumer. All that is required of me is to inquire about the customer's email address and then copy and paste it into the extension. After that, the system will immediately issue a brief invitation, and I won't need to check any further into the customer's account. It was developed specifically for revenue teams, and its features reflect that focus; for example, its incoming, outbound, and routing capabilities are far more sophisticated than those of simple scheduling applications. The consumer has a better experience while booking (it takes fewer clicks and needs less information from the customer). The CS team goes above and above, automating our whole scheduling process in order to ensure that our team spends no time on administrative tasks organizing meetings. One of the very first things that we invested in when we began expanding our sales force. Because we lacked the resources to track down potential customers, we had to switch to an entirely automated scheduling system. As a result, we have seen an improvement in conversion rates due to the pleasant user experience. - Stephanie H.
Horrible interaction with the user. All that it accomplished was make it easier for an email address to be sent to the client, so that the consumer, in this case me, could manually contact the service provider and advise him of the proper phone number. I tried to cancel the appointment that I had arranged via CP, but I was unable to do so. I had no choice but to make another appointment. The contact information that I had altered (the contact phone number for the appointment), however, was NOT altered when I checked it. There was absolutely no way for the person I was having an appointment with to get in touch with me. As I continued to investigate Chili Piper, it became clear that the execution fell short of the mark, and that there was an entire platform concealed behind the convoluted nature of the product. Although Instant Booker shown a certain amount of skill in its configuration, it was unable to achieve the heights of quality that would genuinely raise the product and give meaningful value to customers. It missed the critical aspects that might have turned it into a game-changer and had a severe bug issue with various parts (particularly in calendar management). Additionally, it had a flaw that prevented it from working as intended. The terrible customer service that I received, which was neither accessible nor attentive to my issues, was by far the worst letdown of all, and it was the primary factor that led me to make the choice not to renew my subscription. - Sarah J.
You are able to handle various queues and round robins based on sophisticated logic using Chili Piper. Additionally, you are able to manage team scheduling and routing in a manner that is difficult to rival with Chili Piper. It has allowed leads, so long as they match our qualifying requirements, to arrange a meeting with an AE instantly after filling out a form on our website, which has led to an increase in the number of meetings that we have scheduled with AEs. Not only that, but the recommended times capability inside emails is a game changer, with enormous success coming from this feature alone. This functionality allows you to offer meeting times to a prospect, which then enables them to book those times with a single click from within the email itself. The platform is not only user-friendly and simple to use, but it also has a large potential user base and can accommodate a variety of applications. The platform itself is amazing, but what really sets Chili Piper apart is the people behind it. Our technical lead and the rest of the Chili Piper team provide next-level support and care for clients and the use cases they need to address. I am grateful. - Jordan M.
I greatly want we could cancel or alter planned email reminders, and I also wish that email reminders came from the email addresses of our users rather than from an email address associated with Chili Piper. We haven't gotten as much use out of the platform as we might. There is still a lack of transparency around the process of using the reschedule option or making adjustments to the internal calendar. We discovered an issue that causes the round-robin to behave strangely if our Google Calendar is set to one time zone but the Chili Piper used throughout the organization is set to a different time zone. In addition to serving as an online scheduling application, we rotate incoming leads using Chili Piper. Although there have been a large number of glitches, erroneous routing, and other difficulties, it does function part of the time. Neither the configuration nor the maintenance are very simple. The user interface also has a lot of room for improvement. The messaging service does not provide two-way communication, therefore you cannot have a conversation with a potential customer. - Patrick B.
We are only migrating new departments to Chili Piper because it has such a large number of configurable choices; the routing, grouping, and queueing capabilities each have such a large number of possibilities that it can accommodate practically any business situation. Ability to qualify prospects via the self-booking appointment process, then automatically route the established appointment to the appropriate sales professional, and finally, the ability to automatically monitor show rates with their deep native interaction with SFDC. It is incredible, not just in terms of its capabilities and features, but also in terms of the Customer Success Manager (CSM) and support team's speed, helpfulness, and comprehensive knowledge of the product, as well as their proactive nature, which we truly value and respect. Simple features for specifying geolocation and time zone, as well as competitive cost! My experience as a whole has been excellent, and I can say that I am a happy and contented patron. - Belle K.
It is quite annoying because Chili Piper continues to send reminder emails to prospects even after the event in my calendar has been canceled by the recipient. It might be difficult to coordinate a meeting between a potential customer and more than one sales representative. At this time, Chili Piper is only able to confirm the availability of a single representative whenever a prospect arranges a meeting. Because of this, there have been some AEs who had duplicate bookings. Administrators are unable to see the meeting kinds, reminder templates, or other settings that are specific to individual users. Not the AE who is responsible for the meeting will be the one to send out reminders; instead, reminders will come from [email protected]. The setup process for Chili Piper may be difficult and might cost a significant amount of money. It may be challenging to get started with sales automation technologies if you do not have a significant amount of prior familiarity with them. - Mary N.
I like that we can have multiple queues and round robins, that we can set queue criteria based on Salesforce data, that we can customize the weighting of recipients' "distribution," that Chili Piper automatically creates and updates calendar events in Google and Salesforce, that we can set reminder emails, that the distribution formula takes cancellations and no-shows into consideration when determining weighting, and that we can insert suggested times into email bodies so prospects can see when those times are available. Because of how positive our experience has been with Chili Piper, we have totally transitioned away from using spreadsheets in favor of using the computer to distribute meeting materials. Because our SDRs just allocate meetings to the AE who appears next in Chili Piper, we never have to worry about a spreadsheet being out of current or containing inaccurate information. Since we became a client, new features have been introduced, and I will forever be grateful for how eager the Chili Piper team is to provide assistance and listen to suggestions for new features. Each and every SDR team should absolutely consider playing Chili Piper. - Sam N.
I believe the user interface of the program may need some upgrades in terms of going about since it can be complex at times, and occasionally the terminology themselves confuse me. Similar to the roles of assignee and organizer. There may be additional assistance texts for the words. The structure of how the queues and the meeting templates are distinct from the router really confuses me, and I get the impression that it would be simpler to administer the system if the meeting templates that were related to their unique queues and incoming router were kind of grouped together. Something like a drill down format. Because we want to record data along each individual router and queue that it passed through, we have several queues, and the data is piling up as a result. Chili Piper may be used for a wide variety of purposes inside our organization. - David M.
Chili Piper has been an excellent platform for us, allowing us to effectively manage the reservations and giving us with the freedom to make adjustments with little to no more work. There are times when we have to adjust the proportion of calls that are scheduled for each of the different representatives due to a variety of factors. The wonderful thing about Chili Piper is that it enables users to make these kind of adjustments with the click of a few buttons, which in turn helps to equalize the quantity of calls that are scheduled near the end of the month. The procedure is straightforward and easy to understand; sales development representatives (SDRs) can simply arrange meetings on behalf of account executives (AEs); and meeting reminders may be modified to enhance the percentage of attendees who actually show up for appointments. It is the greatest experience currently available for booking meetings with potential customers. In addition to serving as an online scheduling application, we rotate incoming leads using Chili Piper. Although there have been a large number of glitches, erroneous routing, and other difficulties, it does function part of the time. When there have been problems, support has been responsive to an acceptable degree. It has the potential to be a useful tool if the developers can smooth out the rough spots and make it more intuitive for users. - Mike A.
The administration side does not allow for any customisation. It seems ridiculous that once designated meeting queues have been formed, I am unable to organize them in any particular order. Because the needs of a firm are always evolving, we should not be required to eliminate meeting queues in order to get the order we want. Because Chili Piper makes it possible to have an effective procedure that syncs a variety of softwares, there is always a chance that there will be problems if one of those softwares is off or not synchronized effectively. Because the customer was unable to reserve time on my calendar when the calendar link didn't function (this only occurred a few times over the course of two years, so it wasn't a major problem), I had to manually send them an invite. There is some room for improvement in the user interface. It would be useful to have the option to manually choose the start and finish timings rather than just using drag and drop. It would be very helpful to have access to the assignee's profiles from inside the scheduling tool. This would allow you to readily discover home locations, which is necessary for ensuring that travel expenses are minimized. In addition to this, having the capability to test the software in a sandbox setting would be perfect. Testing in the production environment might be challenging. - Lucas P.

Chili Piper Social media Subscribers
It is apparent, based on the comments that users of Reddit have made about Chili Piper, that a large number of individuals have had favorable experiences with this program. Chili Piper's users have constantly given it great acclaim for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it is simple to use, has features that can be customized, is easily integrated with other tools, and has effective booking capabilities. Further evidence that the team behind Chili Piper is committed to meeting its customers' needs with first-rate service comes in the form of outstanding responses to customer care inquiries as well as ongoing upgrades and enhancements.

Chili Piper average reviews

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Chili Piper Pros&Cons


  • Efficient scheduling
  • Integration with major calendars
  • Customization options


  • Pricing
  • Limited features in the basic plan
  • Lack of mobile app

Chili Piper Final Conclusions

Chili Piper has, on the whole, been met with feedback from customers that is both favorable and bad. Customers have encountered bugs and unsatisfactory levels of customer support, despite the fact that the user interface is intuitive and the functions are beneficial. The firm, on the other hand, demonstrates future potential for expansion and achievement provided that it implements ongoing enhancements and finds effective answers to problems that have been documented.

Mattew Hughes

Mattew Hughes

My ability for writing and keen analytical skills make me an invaluable asset to our team. As a business analyst, I delve deep into market trends and data, providing readers with detailed reviews that help them understand the nuances of lead generating solutions.

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