Refersion Review: Pricing, Features & More

The real-time tracking system is designed to collect data on referrals, display them in the form of graphs, and promptly update information on transactions. All these functions are planned to be performed in real-time. In recent years, UpPromote has witnessed an astounding breakthrough in the field of reliable visual tracking due to its focus on developing more accurate tracking technologies.
Refersion Review: Pricing, Features & More

UpPromote overview

When you post your affiliate offer in the marketplace that UpPromote makes accessible, it will be found by prospective affiliates as well as influencers in your sector of the market. Migration from any and all other affiliate platforms is provided free of charge under any circumstances. It simply takes a few clicks of the mouse to relocate all of the critical data, so you won't need to worry about losing any of it. If you want your campaign to reach a wider audience, you need to integrate your platform in a way that is not only robust but also fully seamless with the services of other organizations.

A tracking system that is precise to the second is being continuously developed in order to guarantee that conversions are reported quickly and correctly. Tracking may be accomplished in a variety of different ways, including via the use of links, discounts, emails, and physical objects. It will be much less difficult for you to stay in contact with your group if you make use of the many communication channels that are at your disposal. You are able to rebrand the whole campaign as your own utilizing white-labeled affiliate sites and completely customizable email templates. This gives you complete control over the look and feel of the campaign.

What UpPromote has to say about itself

The mission of the website UpPromote is to impart knowledge about international trade to as wide an audience as feasible. They want to educate more people about the commodities they offer as well as the distinctive histories of those products by using the words of potential brand advocates.

The UpPromote team puts forth a lot of effort to provide companies with solutions that not only assist them in expanding and managing their partner networks more effectively but also save them time and effort. As a result of this, your staff will have the ability to function as effectively as is humanly feasible, and individuals such as yourself will have an easier time managing your advertising campaign.

UpPromote has to spend a lot of work on providing individuals with clear guidance and a lot of information in order to save consumers time. They believe that out of all the applications that can be found in the Shopify App Store, theirs has one of the most user-friendly designs. Regular checks are performed on the system to ensure that it continues to operate in a manner that is well-organized, reliable, and secure at all times. Because of the extensive training provided to its staff, UpPromote is the company of choice when it comes to partner marketing.

Because it incorporates a wide variety of cutting-edge technological features and offers a wide range of storage options, the system is in a position to accurately gather and analyze data. They are always working to enhance the system and add new features in order to satisfy the ever-increasing demands of their clientele, which motivates them to continue doing so. Give users the chance to adjust not only the settings of the app but also its design, so that they may tailor it to the look and feel of their business as well as their own personal requirements.

UpPromote Review

Year Started2019
Service AreasUSA
Service TypesUpPromote helps clients promote their products and services through major platform advertising, content creation, SEO, social media marketing, website design, e-mail campaigns, online reputation management, influencer marketing, and media buying.
FeaturesBuild your team, Customize your campaign, Work with affiliates professionally, Analytics and reports, Integration, For affiliates
CertificationsCertifications in Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Ads Tag Manager, Google Ads Editor, YouTube Ads, and Microsoft Ads.

UpPromote price policy

UpPromote is able to provide its clients with tailored digital marketing services to meet their specific needs. The pricing of the many different plans and packages is liable to fluctuate depending on the results that the consumers want to achieve. Each strategy should incorporate strategic guidance as well as tools for creative marketing in order to increase the likelihood that your company will be successful in accomplishing the goals that you have specified. With the help of this pricing structure, businesses of any size have the opportunity to present their wares or services to potential customers who may be interested in making a purchase.
PackagesGrowth - $29.99/monthly; Professional - $89.99/monthly; Enterprise - $199.99/monthly
Payment optionsCredit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), and Apple Pay.
Payment discountsIn addition, customers who are interested in cultivating and maintaining long-term partnerships with the firm are eligible to get bulk pricing reductions from UpPromote.

UpPromote online reputation

There are several reviews of UpPromote that are available to read. The vast majority of comments are favorable and complimentary, applauding the support team of the organization as well as its progression. Nevertheless, the company's functioning and the extent to which it may be customized come in for some criticism in the ratings.
Launching my affiliate program, and this is the very greatest one! This software has been serving me well for the last two years, and I have no plans to switch. The integration with Shopify is seamless, and the user interface is quite intuitive. The use of UpPromote was a wonderful experience. UpPromote is head and shoulders above any other affiliate marketing management system that I've used. None of the others come close. There is no other tool that can come close to matching the extreme degree of capability that this one offers. In contrast to the majority of other programs, UpPromote places a greater emphasis on the functionality of its platform rather than on its lead generating or affiliate finding capabilities. It's possible that you'll require an extra program in order to meet your goals of acquiring new affiliates and generating leads. - Saravan K.
It would be wonderful to have an automatic tiering system that applied to each and every purchase made by an affiliate within a certain month. There is room for development in the Affiliate Marketplace. Through that particular marketplace, we have not yet been able to recruit even a single high-quality affiliate. In light of the fact that other affiliate programs already do a good job of filling this need (for a cost that is comparable), my goal is that UpPromote will make this function useful and generate ROI. I would really want to reach out to qualified affiliates, however the majority of the people on the Marketplace are either unqualified or youngsters under the age of 18 (who are unable to sign a W9), making them irrelevant to our company's operations. The trial period is a little too little, particularly for a product such as the program for referring friends. Because such things need to be done and tested before committing to the service, a trial term of four to six weeks appears to be the most appropriate length of time for it. - Shija A.
As a direct consequence of this, the administration of affiliates is made a great deal easier. It provides a high level of customization by enabling the design of one-of-a-kind programs for the management of a variety of affiliates or even just one affiliate. This may be done for any number of affiliates. There will be no issues with payouts. Rapid replies are offered in response to any questions or concerns you may have by the staff providing customer support. It is excellent that you are able to log in as an affiliate; in this way, you will be able to help other users in resetting their passwords or fixing UI difficulties that they have. This ability is available to you. The UpPromote chance is the one that everyone wants to take advantage of. Working with any affiliate is straightforward for me to accomplish. The performance of both the surrounds and the dashboard are really high. The program that is the most helpful overall. - Adrian G.
The process of getting new employees on board was really difficult, and we required help for the majority of the process. It is possible that the registration form does not include all of the available customization choices. Because the basic version only supports one reward tier, you won't be able to sign up all of your affiliates if you provide multiple bonus levels to different partners. This is because the basic version only supports one reward tier. The basic edition does not support affiliate links, therefore your only option is to use coupons. The description of the software need to make this point more crystal apparent. I really wish that the platform was available at a more affordable price. The most significant drawback is that we are unable to link with PayPal in order to be able to transfer rewards via the UpPromote app; however, this is mostly a problem with PayPal and not with UpPromote. - Valerie R.
The platform seems to be of high quality, is simple to use, and keeps track of the source from which leads originate; nevertheless, the marketplace does not appear to give a large number of responsive influencers, and we have not yet seen a return from using it. I am aware that some of these processes may take some time, and everything seems to be going OK thus far. Product that is simple to use and assists in the management of our affiliate channel. Incredible customer service is the primary differentiating factor when compared to other suppliers. Always really professional as well as helpful! Although response times for customer care are quick, the development team sometimes requires up to 48 hours to execute changes because of the time difference. I enjoy how everything can be customized and how user-friendly the layout of the site is. Simple to handle a large number of distinct affiliate programs, each of which has its own unique commission and affiliate structure. Additionally, it is an excellent tool for automating your programs and guaranteeing accurate and prompt contact with your affiliates. - Manju S.
A more seamless connection with Shopify was what I had hoped for so that customers of my business would be able to log in and see their affiliate tools. It is not possible to personalize the login page for existing affiliates so that it matches branding. There is need for improvement in the way Shopify and UpPromote are connected. There is room for improvement in the price offer. Because it is difficult to manufacture repeating discount codes, there are fewer options on the market. In my view, it is pretty tough to use first, and it is also excessively pricey, therefore I would not recommend purchasing it. Only persons who already know how to use it and who have a very strong reason to purchase it should download this program. I believe that there may be some expansion made to the email function. It would be fantastic if Klaviyo could be implemented more effectively, or anything along those lines. Additionally, despite the fact that the market place is excellent, the majority of affiliates do not reply. My opinion is that it would be beneficial to have a market place that was more strong and had more active affiliates. - Sebastien M.
The application is incredibly simple to use and accomplishes all the essential responsibilities required to bring about the rapid expansion of your business. It is simple to install, and it integrates nicely with Shopify. UpPromote has been a great experience for us since it is simple to use and navigate. My ability to quickly manage our affiliates is one of the things I value most about it. A fantastic instrument that will assist in the expansion of our sales and help to our success. Both when we needed to call support for assistance and when we were assisting to promote sales, we had a wonderful experience both times. We haven't had any issues that required us to contact support; rather, our focus has been on learning out how certain features function and how they might be incorporated into our workflow! The fact that we can simply set up various affiliate programs at different levels and yet keep track of all of our sales that were brought about by referrals is one of our favorite features of this platform. - Rajesh S.
despite the fact that the free plan is, you guessed it, free. The fact that the product is gated by "features" rather than "growth" is something that I do not like. What I mean by this is that I am unable to make full advantage of the platform, which therefore restricts the expansion of my strategy. The free plan restricts your ability to issue affiliate-specific discounts and does not let you to modify commissions based on product category. In addition, the free plan does not permit you to personalize commissions. since of the nature of my company, I am compelled to provide smaller commissions all around since I need to work to the lowest common denominator. Because of this, our program is less appealing, and as a result, our development has been more gradual. It would be better for me if I could accomplish the growth AND spend more with it if I could receive access to the features, but pay depending on the amount of orders or affiliates rather than spending more money right now and hoping to achieve growth. It's a catch-22 situation right now. I'm not going to upgrade just yet since I haven't seen any benefits, but I have a suspicion that the reason I haven't seen any results is because my current plan has a restricted set of features. - Raunak G.
I was searching for a product that would help me manage affiliates for my eCommerce company while I was out shopping. My problems have been alleviated, and I now have more time thanks to UpPromote. It's quite simple to set up, and their customer service staff has been really quick to respond and helpful whenever I've had questions. Excellent work, and I hope you can keep it up! They are priced at a position that is extremely reasonable in comparison to their rivals, and all things considered, they are pretty complete. The user interface is uncluttered and gets to the point quickly. Support is available whenever it is needed and provides highly comprehensive assistance. It is simple to use, and there are few obstacles to overcome while adding new affiliates. The setup is quite easy to understand, and you are free to develop whatever number of affiliate programs you choose. In addition to that, the customer service is offered in a number of other languages. Simple user interface. - Jared M.
It's possible that the app's user interface is disorganized and unclear, making it challenging for both me and the affiliates I work with to use and navigate. And whenever I do bulk approve, it always remains in that location. Applications for mobile devices that run on the Android and iOS operating systems would be quite beneficial for the administration of the campaigns. Logging in may be a little bit challenging. It would be convenient if customers could use the same account at numerous retail locations. The process of integration has been fraught with difficulties. We have made a number of requests for modifications that would be advantageous not only to our firm but also to a great number of other businesses, but each time, it has come with an upgrade price as well as an extra flat rate charge fee. The administration of coupon codes, in the event that you need to add a new one or modify anything about an existing one, might be made clearer. This was one of the things that first gave us some problems because of the manner we want to handle the administration of discounts. For example, the ability to alter the percentage of the discount that we provide to affiliates for the benefit of their clients. Also did not care for their affiliate market, which allows listing on their website. Too many questionable discount sites have been brought to our attention, and we do not want to be associated with them. - Kumar S.

UpPromote Social media Subscribers

UpPromote average reviews

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UpPromote Pros&Cons


  • Increase website traffic
  • Higher engagement with your target audience
  • Increased brand awareness


  • Expensive
  • It can be time consuming to create and manage campaigns
  • It can be difficult to reach a specific target market with promotions

UpPromote Final Conclusions

Everyone who has used UpPromote in the past seems to have a favorable opinion of the company. The great majority of clients who have provided feedback have commended the business for its reliable and effective services and expressed their satisfaction with how they were treated. Although a few consumers have expressed dissatisfaction with the costs or technical difficulties. UpPromote seems to be one of the options now available for anybody seeking internet marketing services and should be investigated.

Terry Toole

Terry Toole

My meticulous eye for detail and passion for quality ensure that our reviews are accurate, well-structured, and easily accessible to our readers. As our chief editor, I ensure that every review upholds our commitment to excellence.

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